Faro de Cabo Engaño is one of the lighthouses built by the Spanish Government in the late 19th century. Given that it was built in the island of Palaui in the northeastern tip of Luzon, the main purpose of this farola is to guide the ships coming from the vast Pacific Ocean into Babuyan Channel.
Faro de Cabo Engaño, 1903.
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It was in 1887 that Eng. Magin Pers y Pers was commissioned by the Spanish Colonial Government to design various lighthouses in the Philippine Islands, particularly in Luzon. Cape Engaño Lighthouse is among the four he designed. It took four years, from 1888 to 1892, to complete the whole structure — a 47 foot octagonal stone tower and the keeper's house. Then in 1893, the lighthouse became fully operational and began shedding light to the ships passing by the Babuyan Channel.
Cape Engaño Lighthouse still under construction, January 1892
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However, like most of the Spanish-era lighthouses in the Philippines, Cape Engaño Lighthouse was long forgotten and left in ruins at the turn of the 20th century.
To save it from further destruction, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines declared the ruined lighthouse as a structure of historical and cultural significance, through the Republic Act No. 10066 or the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009. And also in 2010, it was declared an "Important Cultural Property" by the National Museum.
Cape Engaño Lighthouse during my visit in Feb 2013 |
the 47 ft octagonal stone tower. Still being utilized by the Philippine Coast Guard.
They installed a new solar-powered light to replace the original one. |
Batang Lakwatsero managed to visit the lighthouse in February 2013 together with some friends. Read his experience of the lighthouse and Palaui Island in this
inside the ruined keeper's house |
all the structures in the vicinity except the tower are in ruins |
You can climb up the tower but only up to the middle section. |
outside the lighthouse is a splendid view of Palaui Island's coast. |
Farola Series
This is so beautiful!